
  • I’m writing — low stakes, no commitment, no goal other than putting things down.
  • I’m photographing, animating, and otherwise dabbling in visual expression. Low stakes, no commitment, no goal other than getting used to spending time on these things.
    • Oh, how quickly fickle dreams die! some photographs sit idle in my phone, and some animations live in my hard drive. With any luck I’ll retrieve them soon and carry on with this adventure!
  • I’m creating and upgrading a few systems for my life — around personal, daily things on the one hand, about corporate things on the other. This is proving challenging! Upgrades are hard!
    • I got a notebook for a few subjects; I’m watching interviews in DOAC and taking notes.

I noticed the previous approach on distancing from dreams isn’t making me wholly happy. Feels like my days are incomplete. I’m still focusing on things that impact my day-to-day, but I’m making a concerted effort to round out my existence.
It feels like I overcorrected, letting go of too many things that might be described as “spiritually fulfilling”.

[last update: mar 22, 2024]